Union 76 Truck Stop (Pure Oil) - Wixom MI

Address: 28055 Wixom Rd
City: Wixom
State: MI
Zip: 48393
County: Oakland
Number of visits to this page: 272

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General Information:

This truck stop went up just after I-96 was completed in that area in 1964 or so. It opened as a Pure Oil outlet but eventually took the Union 76 name as it was the same company. There was a restaurant here that may have been called JT's. By the year 2000, a more modern gas station configuration replaced the old truck stop. It was opened as a Shell but is an Exxon station as of 2025.

From Wikipedia:

Union Oil Company of California (Unocal) purchased Pure Oil in 1965. Initially, Pure Oil's Refining & Marketing operations became the Pure Oil Division of Union Oil Company of California with the Pure Oil name continuing in full force. By 1970 the Pure Oil brand was phased out and remaining service stations and auto/truck stops were rebranded as Union 76. The Pure Oil Division was merged with Unocal's west coast Refining & Marketing division to become the Union 76 division.

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Union 76 Truck Stop (Pure Oil) - 1983 (newer photo)
1983 (newer photo)
Union 76 Truck Stop (Pure Oil) - 1985 (newer photo)
1985 (newer photo)
Union 76 Truck Stop (Pure Oil) - Aerial Map Now Exxon (newer photo)
Aerial Map Now Exxon (newer photo)
Union 76 Truck Stop (Pure Oil) - Jun 4 1965 Ad (newer photo)
Jun 4 1965 Ad (newer photo)
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