HomeDrive-In TheatersBurnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside, MI

Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside MI 

Address: 5950 Van Dyke Rd
City: Burnside
State: MI
Zip: 48416
County: Lapeer
Open: 1951 (6-8-51) AD
Closed: 1989
Capacity: 300
Owner History: N. Fishner
Number of visits to this page: 26046
General Information:

The Burnside Drive-In opened in June of 1951. It was owned by N. Fishner. Capacity was listed at 300 cars with a single screen. No date give for closing.

Info Updates:
10/31/2021 - allan barnes
One of the neon REFRESHMENT signs and IN neon signs were purchased & restored by Starlite DI in Grand Bend, Ontario. You can see that FULLY RESTORED RED refreshment inside the snack bar in 2021.
3/8/2021 - Andy Gray
A.S. Johnson Jr's (Bud's) list shows the Burnside Drive-In project without a date, but Al Johnson's seven project slides are dated January and June 1951. They show final construction of the tower and the drive-in on or about opening night in June 1951. One feature of the road side of the tower is a huge mural of a rising pheasant. The unincorporated Burnside community is at the intersection of M53 and M90, about eight miles north of Imlay City. The drive-in has since been demolished.
9/23/2009 - T
9/22/09 I was wondering about the Burnside drive in so I made contact with the Realtor. Then I checked out the buildings. Bad news in the projector house. The roof is fallen in and the place is way beyond repair. the entire place is trashed. The two projector stands are totally rusty. This is now the only structure on the property now. The metal pheasant screen is found in a crumpled heap behind the trees. the driveway's are barely visible. I am sorry to see it in this state. My fondest memory is seeing the movie E.T. there.
12/21/2004 - D Gould
I also went to Burnside Drive-In for many years as a kid. That was where I saw all the Disney movies. After it closed the property was used by a heating and cooling company. I can remember going there to watch fireworks on the Fourth of July during the 70s.
1/6/2003 - Drive-Ins.com
I used to go to the Burnside Drive In all the time as a kid in the 50s. It was small, like 250-300 cars, and had a beautiful mural of a pheasant rising out of a cornfield painted on the back of the wooden screen tower. The theatre is actually located at the intersection of Highway 53 and Burnside Road in Burnside, Michigan (unincorporated town that does not appear on the map) about 8 miles north of Imlay City, Michigan. The screen is gone but the projection/concession building still stands as does the foundation for the screen, the entrance road, and an exit sign. Lee Burgess

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1950 Shot From A S Al Johnson
1950 Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
1951 Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1950 Shot From A S Al Johnson
1950 Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1951 Robie Gray Shot From A S Al Johnson
1951 Robie Gray Shot From A S Al Johnson
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Summer 2020
Summer 2020
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Marquee Courtesy Greg
Burnside Marquee Courtesy Greg
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Ruins Courtesy Greg
Burnside Ruins Courtesy Greg
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Ruins Courtesy Greg
Burnside Ruins Courtesy Greg
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Ticket Booth 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Ticket Booth 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Ticket Booth 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Ticket Booth 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Snackbar 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Snackbar 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Burnside Fence 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Fence 1996 Courtesy Outdoor Moovies
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Driveway - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Driveway - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - From Harry Skrdla
From Harry Skrdla
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - From Harry Skrdla
From Harry Skrdla
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Projection
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Projection Booth - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Projection Booth - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Projection Concession
Projection Concession
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Concession - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Concession - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Concession
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Concession From Rear - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Concession From Rear - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Refreshment Stand - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Refreshment Stand - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Refreshments - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Refreshments - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Proj Booth - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Proj Booth - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Inside Projection - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Inside Projection - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Inside Concession - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Inside Concession - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Inside Concession2 - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Inside Concession2 - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Film Winder - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Film Winder - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Old In-Sign - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Old In-Sign - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Sound Panel - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Sound Panel - Photo From Water Winter Wonderland
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Ticket Booth From Darryl Burgess
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Ticket Stub
Ticket Stub
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Historic Aerial
Historic Aerial
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Vintage Aerial
Vintage Aerial
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Vintage Aerial
Vintage Aerial
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - May 14 1958 Ad
May 14 1958 Ad
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Aerial
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1950S Ticket Stub From Paul
1950S Ticket Stub From Paul
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 1962 Brown City High School Yearbook
1962 Brown City High School Yearbook
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - 21 Aug 1953 Robbery
21 Aug 1953 Robbery
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Jul 1962 Article On Fireworks Incident
Jul 1962 Article On Fireworks Incident
Burnside Drive-In Theatre - Sep 4 1988 Closing Article
Sep 4 1988 Closing Article
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