HomeMotels and HotelsBirch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel)

Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Trout Lake MI

Address: 21830 S Birch Lodge Dr
City: Trout Lake
State: MI
Zip: 49793
County: Chippewa
Number of visits to this page: 1512

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General Information:

The old Birch Lodge goes back to maybe the 1920's or before. It was owned by Judge Charles Moore and once operated by Oliver Miller. It has been renovated and is still going strong as of 2022. The reviews are great and the place looks amazing.

From Chuck on Flickr:

Just past the west end of the yard at Trout Lake is a gravel road that leads off of Trout Lake road and across the former SOO(now CN) main into the woods towards the lake. At the end of the road rests Birch Lodge which was a great little spot to hang out at the bar back in my youth. After the long time owner died the bar portion promptly closed and the owners wife made a go of the place renting rooms and boats well into the 80's.

Sadly only a more modern motel portion that hadn't been built in this 1920's view to the right of this shot was all that remained open after 87 . The main lodge was carefully and lovingly restored over the last 4 years and has been open for business since late 2018. A friend found a lot of these old b&w classics in a long unused house in town that her Son recently bought and she graciously allowed me to scan a number of them.

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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Vintage Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Vintage Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Old Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Old Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Old Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Old Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - Old Postcard
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - 1929 Mention
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - 1966 Death Notice On Former Operator
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Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - June 1930 Article On Gathering
June 1930 Article On Gathering
Birch Lodge (Birch Lodge Motel) - March 1939 Judge Charles W Moore Obit
March 1939 Judge Charles W Moore Obit
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