Driftwood Motel - Union Pier MI

Address: 16170 Red Arrow Highway
City: Union Pier
State: MI
Zip: 49129
County: Berrien
Number of visits to this page: 2001

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

The old Driftwood Motel goes back to the 50's or 60's. It was eventually redeveloped in 1988 and converted into the Shops At Union Pier shopping complex. The motto of the motel when it was open was "The Worst in the Midwest". I guess the former owners (the Valvoda family) had a sense of humor. A man named Donald J. LaBrecque also owned and operated the place. Update: Annie and Andy Kipper also ran this motel.

Info Updates:
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Driftwood Motel - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Driftwood Motel - Vintage Postcard
Vintage Postcard
Driftwood Motel - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Driftwood Motel - Old Postcard
Old Postcard
Driftwood Motel - 1982 Photo
1982 Photo
Driftwood Motel - Now A Shopping Plaza 2022
Now A Shopping Plaza 2022
Driftwood Motel - 1988 Redevelopment
1988 Redevelopment
Driftwood Motel - 1966 Ad For Cleaning
1966 Ad For Cleaning
Driftwood Motel - 1995 Former Owner Passes Away
1995 Former Owner Passes Away
Driftwood Motel - April 1971 Robbery
April 1971 Robbery
Driftwood Motel - June 88 - Redevelopment
June 88 - Redevelopment
Driftwood Motel - Print Ad
Print Ad
Driftwood Motel - Sept 1962 Lawsuit Over Dog Kennel
Sept 1962 Lawsuit Over Dog Kennel
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