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Update 2/1/2025: I finally found some ads for this theater. They indicated it was "all new" in 1981. That could mean a new owner took over. It was then known as Woodside Depot Cinema and the official address is given as 306 Water Tower Drive which is very near the address I am using. I also found out this place was used for live plays in 1999. I also found an ad for Royal Treasure Auction Haus from 2003 which I knew was in there at one time. There were also concerts here for a time. It turns out the company that operated this theater in the 80's also owned Sky McFly's/Woodside Country Inn which was bar/restaurant in Kinchloe. It is also gone.
This theater was in use during the Kincheloe AFB era for Air Force personnel and their families. The actual location is Kinross so I have used that as the address. Kincheloe AFB opened in 1941, was decommissioned for a time but re-opened during the Cold War era. The base closed for good by 1977 so I assume the theater closed around that time.
If I had to guess I would say the theater was built during the 2nd era of the AFB given the look of it. Notably the base itself was used as a location for the Bruce Willis film "Die Hard 2". They needed footage of landing a 747 in the snow and this place was perfect for that. The base is currently the site of the Chippewa County International Airport, Kinross Correctional Facility, and the Chippewa Correctional Facility. []
I never noted the address of the theater when I was there in 2003 but after zooming in on the photo I took and comparing that to recent Kinross street views, I spotted the Kinross Township Hall in the background. The building was being used as an auction house at the time I was there. I found some public records from the mid 2000's documenting requests from the auction house folks to improve the property and open up a store of some kind. There were also discussions about converting it to a bowling alley and allowing the local school to use it for musical performances.
That eventually fell through and the property was abandoned. It was for sale in 2004 for a time and was listed as a vacant theater. Apparently there were no takers because the building was demolished sometime after 2005. I have posted the 2005 aerial photo which does show the building/location. I must say I always liked this place and it was fun going up there and finding it.