Regent Theatre - Detroit MI

Address: 7314 Woodward Ave
City: Detroit
State: MI
Zip: 48202
County: Wayne
Open: 1916
Owner History:
Theater Type: Neighborhood House
Number of visits to this page: 5897

Please note that location entries may feature older photos or post card views that may not represent the current appearance, features, addresses, phone numbers, or contact names of the attraction. This site is intended to be a historical as well as current record of various attractions but it is not always possible to have up-to-date information due to the vast number of locations featured here. We ask you consult the propietor for current information.

General Information:

Source: Cinema Treasures

One of Detroit's larger neighborhood houses, early claims by its original owners that the Regent sat over 3600 seem a bit exaggerated. It most likely sat closer to half that amount. Built for legitimate theater, it later served as a vaudeville venue. The Regent was designed by the firm of Stratton & Von Schneider. It was later operated by United Detroit Theaters, and remodeled in 1953. It closed six years later. In 1961, the theater was rechristened the Center and opened with "One-Eyed Jacks". It was modernized a decade later, but closed once more, for good, in 1974 and razed the next year.

Info Updates:
8/15/2007 - JerryD
The Regent closed in 1974, at that time the theatre was called the New Center, the same name on the marquee. The Regent sign Marquee was taken down in the late 50's. The only movie theatre marquee's remaining in the downtown area, are the Fox, State, Madison and the Fine Arts. The Regent/New Center building was demolished in the early 90's, vacant lot now.JerryD
8/14/2007 - Michael Stocks
Was watching a movie called "THE MAN" atarring Samuel L. Jackson and Eugene Levy that was filmed in the Detroit downtown area. If you watch the background closely, they drive past the Regent Theater, and the building is right there in the movie though it was closed.
Regent Theatre - Old Photo From Detroit Yes
Old Photo From Detroit Yes
Regent Theatre - Old Photo From Detroit Yes
Old Photo From Detroit Yes
Regent Theatre - From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
Regent Theatre - From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
Regent Theatre - From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
Regent Theatre - From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
Regent Theatre - From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo)
From Ben Gravel Historic Detroit Area Architecture (newer photo) © 2025 Over 86,599,850 Served